Self-knowledge and self compassion are the keys to freedom, happiness and Universal peace


The world is changing faster than we can keep up.  The need to control change results from fearful feelings of being disconnected or out of control in our personal world. Realizing control is an illusion, we may react by shutting down or distracting ourselves with all manner of external solutions that only create anxiety and depression. Connecting with the transpersonal Self through self understanding allows us to act with self-authority, presence and awareness in right relationship and right timing to better meet daily challenges and uncertainty about life or the future.


Structure and established routines can bring a sense of certainty and security, yet living life in an automated, conditioned or inflexible way can blunt our sensitivities and obscure the path to accessing our inner knowing that connects us intricately and intimately with the Greater Reality and what it means to be fully and freely Alive. Successfully navigating through the perils of this modern world soon demonstrates that existence is not about the world at all, but who we are in it, the transcendental, ultra-dimensional human being we are each here to discover and liberate.


Learning how and why we react, respond, initiate or relate is an inside job and it has been said, “The only way out is in” but what does this really mean? Being here now invests us with a responsibility to be present to who we are with compassion in order to liberate ourselves from who we have become conditioned to act as, one not aligned with our true essence . Self-knowledge gives you the agency to be true to yourself and others.


In Buddhism, the blue lotus is a symbol of the triumph of the spirit over the senses. In both India and Egypt, the mysterious lotus has been considered through the ages as a sacred symbol of the universe. The lotus flower is a transpersonal symbol of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. It is rooted and grows in the mud and its transformation is considered a process of purification. The lotus purifies itself as it grows out of and rises above the muddy waters pristine and clean, symbolizing purity and rebirth. The lotus represents the soul and  therefore is often compared to the enlightened being who emerges unscathed by the chaos and confusion of the world. 


In this world, where illusion deepens the sense of separation, living in conscious connection with higher Self as our ground of being informs and empowers us for tending to daily life with more clarity, flexibility, joy, and compassion. Self connection enables and enlivens our ability to connect with others. This place of connection is where true courage, strength and our impeccable heart of wisdom reside. 


Why should we know ourselves? What does it have to do with the emergence of a new consciousness and universal peace? Over 2400 years ago the Greek philosopher, Socrates, said that people make themselves appear ridiculous when they are trying to know obscure things before they know themselves. Plato alluded to the fact that understanding ‘thyself’ would result in a higher probability of understanding the nature of a human being. In modern times, this understanding has evolved toward self knowing as a way to understand the nature of the universe.  Numerology is a symbolic language taught in the ancient mystery schools of the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, that today tells the story of integration, of how the inner self is inextricably connected to the greater Reality expressed as the outer world. 

Numerology is a tool for self knowing and for tracking the journey of one’s life in its cycles of time, showing the structure of life patterns in connection with one’s life experiences.


Science tells us we are made of the same elements as the stars and humanity has long been viewed as an expression of Unity in diversity, intricately interconnected with all of life on the planet.  Therefore, self-knowledge and the authentic expression of each human being contribute to the world and the evolution of the entire cosmos.


Perhaps the new consciousness is more about a new awareness of who we are at essence in connection with the whole of life, here and elsewhere in the universe. This integrative self-awareness informs us to act by ultra-conscious choice rather than to react from conditioned programming.  Through emotional intelligence, much of the pain and confusion we suffer can be transcended to free the mind for higher, more meaningful relationships in Life with inner peace and a joyful heart, contributing to the fulfillment of our potential.


This is not a time to be distracted from reality, it is a time for facing whatever comes with our truest selves, to transform ourselves from our inner, connected place of courage and bravery in the darkness and uncertainty of this transition; a time to co-exist in the world but not be of the world, both integrating and transcending it in the light and laughter of higher Truth.

embrace your true nature

Change is inevitable and happens with and without our conscious efforts or control. Higher self awareness and inner harmony are stabilizing forces that allow us to act with greater strength, efficiency and compassion in times of inner and outer change.